Tokyo Restaurant Advisor

The mission of TA: Tokyo Advisor

Best Advice to Enjoy Tokyo: Restaurant, Shopping, Fashion, Where to go, Medical, Translation


The mission of TA: Tokyo Advisor

Japan has been establishing unique culture in the world over 70 years with high-speed economic growth. However, in terms of internationalization including economic competitiveness, Japan is now a bit behind from many countries. English instruction available or communication capability are far form sufficiency for more than 10 million overseas tourists a year.
As our mission of TIA Tokyo Information advisor, making the full use of our long-term experiences and domestic and international network, we are trying to give the most suitable and precious information and services to meet individual’s needs and wants.
We hope keep supporting every single person, whoever requested with a spirit of “OMOTENASHI” which is thoughtful and sincere hospitality to tourists, visitors and residents increasing every year.

Please feel free to inquire by mail or phone. Any information is completely free!! TEL +81-70-3819-2616 8:00 - 20:00 (Tokyo time)
Except emergency