Tokyo Restaurant Advisor

Individual Trip


Do you rely solely on the information of Internet, Travel agent or Advertisement for your precious opportunity of overseas travel?

We are happy to support your individual trip in terms of best information and reservation support on behalf, if needed, to make the use of your precious time in Japan.

The number of overseas travelers to Japan, declined once, became over 10 million in 2013 and is now steadily increasing. As well as tourist group from Asian countries, many vacationers from continents of Europe or America are visiting by individual trip and enjoying endemic culture in Japan and Tokyo, learned from internet or word of mouth, thus which are vary depending on countries they come from. However, from our point of view, some of those seem “why there?” or “there must be better places…” Of course each demand is different, same as restaurant or shopping, but it may be better to make maximum use of the opportunity visiting Fareast country of globe, except you are satisfied with starting off the famous places in internet as an experience and come back to Japan again.


In spite of the recent increase of tourist to Japan, the numbers are still at one tenth of those to France and far lower than same Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand based on the left data from Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO). Some of the reasons may be  that Japan is still reclusive, English are not used widely, and  information or infrastructure for overseas travelers are not enough.

Individual Trip Advisor


On the other hand, from the data of Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), growth of overseas travelers from Japan are slower than those to Japan. A reason may be limitation of communication or gathering information due to lack of English proficiency, which force us to rely on less flexible but comparatively safe package-tour arranged by travel agents or have to select backpack-like travel taking some risks for discretionally choice

Individual Trip Advisor

Individual Trip Advice Request Form

    All information is completely free!! All information is completely free!! Your personal information will be kept confidential according to the Personal Information Protection Law. We will never send mail magazine or advertisement to your registered mail or phone

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    Gender* (Age)

    Your Mail Address*

    Cell phone number

    Type of trip or experience (in detail)

    Area / Location

    Appropriate budget*

    Other request

    Do you want interpretation or accompanying support?

    We will never send mail magazine or advertisement to your registered mail or phone.

    Please feel free to inquire by mail or phone. Any information is completely free!! TEL +81-70-3819-2616 8:00 - 20:00 (Tokyo time)
    Except emergency

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